Mulpuri Aqua Processors Pvt. Ltd.

The rise in fish production and the success met by the group has enabled Mulpuri to develop its fisheries arm further by setting up the country’s first fresh Aqua Processing Unit, which subscribes to International food processing standards. Apart from the state-of-the-art processing units, fish produced here is guaranteed to be fresh and hygienic, as the fish is grown and processed in our own farms and facilities giving traceability like never before in India. Moreover, the Group’s pioneering efforts in the development of indigenous technology in agro and aqua culture ensures unparalleled quality.
With an efficient Aqua Processing Unit in place promising unrivalled quality, the group has now put their efforts in providing fresh quality fish for general consumption with – Fish-N-Fish and ezyfish. Through the brand Fish-N-Fish, the group now supplies fresh and frozen, boneless packaged fish fillet to various wholesale dealers and HORECA sectors across the country. With ezyfish, fresh boneless, well-trimmed meat is delivered directly to the customers through our retail partners. This unparalleled approach of delivering quality produce has been possible only due to innovative measures taken in cold chain delivery processes.
Fishing fortune for vendors
As always, distributors and vendors form an integral part of our products. We earnestly look forward to a long-lasting relationship with each and every distributor and vendor who stood behind our mission to popularize fish and its nutritional benefits. After all, they are the mediators who carry the goodness of our produce, untainted to the fullest use and benefit of the society. At Mulpuri, we are committed to making things simpler to distributors and vendors, be it enhancing the supply chain or distribution. Currently Mulpuri has a distribution network across 31 locations in 14 states.
Safeguarding values through cold storages
Fish like any other organic foods is perishable and needs an adequate storage facility. It helps the process of storing and delivering the produce in its fresh form. Fish-N-Fish and ezyfish have an extensive chain of cold storages across the country along with a technical team that ensures that the produce reaches distributors and thereby to the customers in the best state.
Transporting the goodness of nature
A successful business requires keeping up to the words and promises made.The importance of an unrestrained transportation is that it ensures timely delivery of goods. Transportation at Mulpuri has been one of the hallmarks of its services. We use high-end refrigerated vehicles that come with cold storage facilities that ensure a speedy and hygienic delivery of produce.